In early 2020, JCB became an Australian Founding Signatory of the Architects Declare movement, making a commitment to go carbon neutral along with over 200 architecture practices across the globe.
As part of that commitment, last year we became Climate Active certified. This Australian government-backed program demonstrates that we’re measuring, reducing and offsetting our carbon emissions, with a net zero result.
With the help of Pangolin Associates, JCB has just completed our second annual review of carbon emissions. We’ve achieved an overall 40% reduction on last year, mainly through renewable energy sources; our studio features a 60kW Solar Farm which feeds three 13.kWH Tesla Batteries storing excess power for evening power demand and IT infrastructure back-up.
To offset our emissions, we’ve chosen to purchase Greenfleet credits which fund certified hydroelectric projects in India, with proceeds going towards regenerating native forests and ecosystems in Australia.
"JCB is proud to be partnering with Greenfleet to take climate action and offset our carbon emissions through native reforestation," says Associate Saba Komarzynski who chairs JCB’s sustainability committee.
"Greenfleet will be planting enough biodiverse native trees on our behalf to offset 157.00 tonnes of CO2-e. This reforestation will create habitat for endangered wildlife, help counter the impact of bushfires and reduce the effects of climate change."
About Greenfleet
Greenfleet is a leading not-for-profit environmental organisation committed to protecting our climate by restoring our forests. Since 1997, they have planted over 9.6 million trees across over 500 forests in Australia and New Zealand. As they grow, Greenfleet forests absorb carbon emissions, improve soil and water quality, and restore habitat for native wildlife, including many endangered species. Greenfleet forests are also legally protected for up to 100 years, ensuring they can grow for future generations.
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Image 1: Birrarung (Dights Falls) photo by Jon Clements
Image 2: JCB’s Solar Farm feeding excess power back to the grid and helping offset our carbon footprint