
Cleverman is an acclaimed television series about an Aboriginal Superhero borne from the mind of Ryan Griffen and brought to life by a predominately Indigenous cast, crew and production team.  JCB was engaged to design an exhibition to showcase the series, working with the ACMI curatorial team, Ryan Griffen and Jacob Nash to embody the gallery space with the protocols of listening, place and language.

The premise of the exhibition is to bring to life the three worlds of the TV Series: The Bindawu, The Zone and The Lab. The heart of the exhibition, imagined as an abstracted spirit tree, invites visitors to slow down, sit, listen and immerse themselves in the origin stories of the show.

Surrounding the spirit tree, the exhibition tells the stories of the creative processes that shape the series; through props, costumes, behind the scenes footage and artwork from the accompanying comic book series.

The exhibition is free and open until 22 April 2019 at ACMI, Federation Square. 

The Cleverman TV series is available to watch on ABC iview here